Seeing, Being…

Seeing, Being… Like Alice’s bluebell, though not surprised into view, Sophia’s soul is visible in this photograph. Seeing and being… Sophia thought a great deal about being. In Rough Sleepers, her last collection, the nature of human consciousness—what it is to be a thinking, sensate yet spiritual being—is a central theme. One of the poems from a longer sequence, A Hot Summer, written in response to the death of her father (a year after his

April 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Seeing, Being…

The Gift of Seeing

The Gift of Seeing “A book should be like an axe for the frozen sea within us,” Franz Kafka memorably said.  One can argue with Kafka about the extremity of his imagery (he writes, in the same letter, of books wounding or stabbing us!), but he is right about the capacity of a creative work to make us open to understanding, to make us truly see. It is the gift of seeing that Alice Oswald

April 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Gift of Seeing
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