Sophia: January 17th
In the car park, green things
Push through bitumen to survive,
While above, a winter sky of powdered jewels,
Fra Angelico blue, waits for its angels.
Suddenly your eyes, so blue themselves, looking up
Are full of tears.
There, in a wheelchair, in a car park,
Amid the grime and weeds,
You cried for the beauty of the sky.
I cry thinking of it, thinking of the mind
That thought the thoughts you thought,
The soul that saw the world you saw.
And I see, beautiful child,
I see the world with your eyes.
leaf XXXIX
from Leaves: Poems for my Daughter
by R Nugent
Sophia Nugent-Siegal
A small selection of poems from Sophia’s final collection, Rough Sleepers, can be found HERE.
Choir: Libera; Music and Arrangement: Robert Prizeman
Your words say it all, Robyn. Xxxxxxx