Spoken Soul
Some lights burn true, whatever the darkness.
Out of the Burning
Bury me in garlands
Of burning paper
With all my pollen sparks of steel
Sophia Nugent-Siegal
Out of the burning fire
Truth remains true
Its generative spark whirls up
Into the shadowed world
Spoken soul,
Fæst*, unbroken
Of singular self tempered,
Made to be
Wrought living
In a purifying fire
By R. Nugent
Wrought living, brave, wise Soph.
Alive to the soul still…
*Old English, adj. constant, firm
Bright stars don’t stop shining .
And the night is made beautiful by them…
Rise in glory, dear Soph!
Into the “reality of light” about which Sophie wrote, Kaye.
Glorious indeed!
Kaddish for Sophie our shining light still
True, dear friend.